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swimming pool risk management plan

How to Manage Risk at Your Commercial Pool and Spa

The successful operation of a commercial pool and spa is not an easy task. You are faced with a multitude of responsibilities which can quickly lead to feeling overwhelmed. If you aren’t careful, you might start to cut corners or overlook key components of the job in an effort to juggle everything successfully while remaining time conscious. One of the most important responsibilities that you should never overlook remains pool safety. 

August 16, 2022

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automated water management system

Does My Property Need Automated Water Management?

In recent years, commercial pool automation has grown substantially with many different types of automated water management systems available. Owners and managers of aquatic facilities have started to wonder if their properties need automated water management. Without a pool automation system, you risk falling behind the competition. It will also become more difficult to remain compliant and ensure continued water safety for your guests and staff.

July 7, 2022

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aquatics operations software

15 Ways to Outsmart High Staff Turnover at Your Hotel or Resort

The hospitality industry is known for its high staff turnover. In fact, the average turnover rate for hotels is a whopping 73%. That means that for every 100 employees you have working at your hotel or resort, 73 of them will leave within a year. Additionally, the pool industry has notoriously high turnover. In fact, the average tenure for pool service technicians is just 18 months, according to a study by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals.

July 7, 2022

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aquatics operations software

Definitive Guide to Reducing Costs at Your Commercial Pool & Spa Facilities

As a pool or spa owner or manager, you know that maintaining a safe and compliant facility is crucial. Not only does it protect your guests and employees, but it can also save you money in the long run. Automating your pool and spa operations with aquatics software is one of the best ways to reduce costs and ensure compliance. In this guide, we'll show you how aquatics operations software can help you reduce costs at your commercial pool and spa facilities.

July 7, 2022

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automated water management

11 Ways to Drive Innovation at Your Commercial Pool & Spa Facilities

In the last decade, the aquatics industry has started to embrace innovation and technology as a way to drive efficiency and greater ROI. Depending on the size of the facility, owners and operators probably have different opinions on the best ways to drive innovation. What works well for one might not be as successful for another commercial property.

July 7, 2022

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