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Definitive Guide to Reducing Costs at Your Commercial Pool & Spa Facilities

July 7, 2022

As a pool or spa owner or manager, you know that maintaining a safe and compliant facility is crucial. Not only does it protect your guests and employees, but it can also save you money in the long run. Automating your pool and spa operations with aquatics software is one of the best ways to reduce costs and ensure compliance. In this guide, we'll show you how aquatics operations software can help you reduce costs at your commercial pool and spa facilities.

Aquatics Operation Software Saves Money and Increases Efficiency

Some of the key benefits of using aquatics operations software include:

  • Reduced costs
  • Increased pool safety
  • Improved pool compliance
  • More efficient pool maintenance

If you're looking for a way to reduce costs at your commercial pool or spa facility, aquatics operations software is a great solution. By automating your pool operations, you can save time and money while ensuring compliance and improving pool safety.

Save Money on Labor Costs and Turnover

Aquatics operation software can help you save money in a number of ways to help you save on labor costs. VivoPoint and VivoPoint Pro help make it easier to maintain your commercial pool or spa. Furthermore, when the software helps you complete routine tasks, reporting, and compliance, you can free up your staff to focus on other tasks.

Reward Your Employees

Provide your employees with the validation they deserve and recognize their demanding work. Employee recognition helps employees feel valued. Employes who feel praised and recognized for their hard work often have the highest levels of productivity, morale, and motivation.

Has your aquatics management team effectively decreased response time by a staggering 23%? Reward them to help increase workplace satisfaction.

Retain Employees to Save Money

One of the best ways to reduce labor costs is to keep your employees. When you have high turnover, you not only lose the money you've invested in training those employees, but you also have to spend more time and money recruiting and training new staff. According to LinkedIn, losing an employee can cost almost 2 times the employee's salary!

It's critical for facility managers and owners to try to retain employees to save money. Automating your pool operations can help you create a better work-life balance for your employees, which can lead to increased retention rates.

Empower Team Members

A recent report found that "more than 60% of employees are unsupported, detached or disengaged".

It's incredibly important to give employees meaningful tasks and empower them to work how they're comfortable. It's well established that employees don't like being micromanaged and often perform better when they are in a workplace that supports and trusts them.

With aquatics operation software, you can assign staff members flexible permissions so that they can complete tasks when needed, without much oversight. You'll still be able to see tasks and hold individuals and teams accountable, so you can make sure that employees are efficient.

Beat the Labor Shortage

Employees suffer when facilities aren't fully staffed. Being overworked and understaffed can cause additional stress and impact work-life balance, which can lead to quitting or looking for other opportunities.

Pool safety compliance is serious business and usually requires experienced and skilled workers. This has caused a hiring problem within the hospitality industry, with 844,000 unfilled positions simply because workers don't have the required skill level to operate and manage facilities.

Using advanced aquatics operation software with advanced tools, proper training, and white-glove support means you can hire entry-level talent. You'll have everything you need to help them succeed, as well as maintain compliance and avoid problems.

Improve Onboarding for Employee Retention and Success

Onboarding is time consuming, but also a critical part of an employee's success at an organization. You can both increase efficacy while reducing onboarding time with aquatics operations software.

Onboarding should never be overlooked, as it:

  • Sets the tone for the rest of the employee's tenure
  • Impacts employee engagement and retention
  • Provides an opportunity to make a good impression
  • Helps employees be more successful in their roles
  • Saves time and money in the long run

Get it right, and you'll have happy, engaged, and productive employees. Get it wrong, and you'll end up spending a lot more time recruiting and training more employees.

Fortunately, aquatics operations software like VivoPoint allows you to more efficiently onboard employees so they can learn how to do their jobs safely and effectively.

Improve onboarding processes like pool maintenance and safety compliance training. By automating these processes, you can help new employees become productive more quickly and feel supported in their roles.

Promote Employees From Within

In addition, providing aquatics operations software can help you retain experienced employees by providing them with the opportunity to take on more responsibility and grow within the organization. By promoting employees from within, you can save money on recruiting and training new staff.

Automating your pool and spa operations with aquatics software is one of the best ways to reduce costs on labor while improving efficiency. Automating tasks like pool maintenance, reporting, and compliance can free up your staff to focus on other tasks. In addition, automating your pool operations can help you reduce turnover by making your job easier to manage.

Save Time by Eliminating Manual Processes

When you use aquatics operation software, you'll eliminate many of the manual tasks that take up your employees' time. The right software can help increase efficiency, stay in compliance, and free up employees for higher-level tasks. Eliminating manual processes includes things like pool maintenance, reporting, and compliance. By automating these tasks, you'll free up your staff to focus on other important tasks. This help you stay organized and efficient, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Ensure Pool Safety Compliance and Avoid Costly Fines

Maintaining a safe and compliant pool or spa is crucial to protecting your guests and employees. It can also save you money in the long run by avoiding costly fines. Automating your pool and spa operations with aquatics software can help you ensure compliance and avoid costly fines. VivoPoint and VivoPoint Pro are certified for CDC Safety Standards for the Model Aquatic Health Code.

You can easily save money by using our aquatics operation software to help you maintain swimming pool compliance.

  • Reduce risk with next generation chemical monitoring. Eliminate manual pool testing and dosing with VivoPoint's real-time water quality monitoring.
  • Receive actionable insights and recommendations to improve your pool operations.
  • Monitor chemical controllers. If you have a commercial pool or spa, you know how important it is to keep the water clean and safe for your guests. You also know how expensive it can be to maintain the proper chemical levels in your pool or spa.
  • These controllers can be set to measure either ORP, PPM, or a combination of chlorine probes, and will automatically add the appropriate amount of chemicals to the water. This can save you a lot of time and money, as you won’t have to constantly test the water yourself and add chemicals manually.
  • Easily monitor and adjust water usage, tank levels, flow, and humidity. Measuring and adjusting the key elements of pump room management is critical to ensure that your pool is running safely and efficiently, which definitely saves money and helps keep swimmers and employees safe.

Pool safety compliance is an important consideration when choosing an aquatics operation software solution. By keeping these factors in mind, you can be sure to choose a solution that is right for your business.

Save on Chemicals and Energy Costs

Chlorine is one of the most important chemicals in pool maintenance. It's also one of the most expensive, especially since there has been a chlorine shortage. It’s more important than ever to be good stewards of facilities and the chemicals and energy required to sustain them.

Aquatics operations software can help you save on chlorine costs by monitoring the chlorination process. This way, you only use the amount of chlorine that's necessary to keep your pool clean and safe.

VFD pumps help regulate the flow in order to save on energy. This way, you only use the amount of energy that's necessary to keep your pool clean and safe.

By monitoring your pool's filtration system with aquatics operations software, you can also extend the life of your pool's filter. This can save you money in the long run as well.

Preventative Maintenance and Repairs

Pool operations software can monitor and keep track of your preventative maintenance schedule. This includes tasks like pool equipment repairs, filter changes, and pool surface cleaning. By keeping track of your preventative maintenance schedule, you can avoid costly repairs and downtime.

VivoPoint allows you to both plan and implement your pool maintenance. Planning features include automatic updates, work order templates, asset and equipment checklists. You can even allow vendors to connect to your system to automatically schedule and order chemicals and other essentials that you need to keep your pool up and running safely.

By automating your pool operations, you can improve your bottom line by saving time and money.

Extend the Life of Your Equipment with Aquatics Operations Software

Aquatic operations software can save you money by helping to prevent costly repairs and replacements and keeping your equipment running safely and efficiently. The right software can also help to extend the life of your equipment by providing regular maintenance reminders and scheduling. This can help you stay on budget and reduce costly repairs or downtime from equipment not working.

Aquatics operations software is a great way to keep your equipment in top condition. By entering information about your equipment and its usage, the software can generate regular maintenance reminders. This means that you can keep on top of potential problems before they cause damage or require expensive repairs.

The software can also help you to schedule regular servicing and maintenance. This can ensure that your equipment is always operating at its best and can help to extend its lifespan.

By using aquatics operations software, you can save money and keep your equipment in great condition. The right software will help you to prevent costly repairs, extend the life of your equipment, and ensure that it is always operating at its best.

Stay Open More Days

No matter what industry you're in, it's important for commercial pools and spas to remain open so users can continue swimming. Pool closures due to lack of compliance or fixing major problems can cost hotels, fitness clubs, swim clubs, and multifamily facilities tons of money.

Think your pool isn’t at risk of being closed? Think again. A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that during routine inspections, over 12 percent, or more than 8,000 commercial pools or spas resulted in immediate closures due to serious threats to public health.

The cost of pool closures can be significant for both the facility and the community. Loss of revenue is the most immediate impact, but there can also be longer-term effects such as negative reviews and loss of customers. In some cases, pool closures can even lead to the permanent closure of the facility.

The financial impact of a pool closure can be severe. A single day of lost revenue can add up quickly, especially for smaller facilities. And if a pool is closed for an extended period of time, the financial losses can be even greater. In addition to lost revenue, there are also the costs of repairing any damage that may have been caused by the closure, as well as any legal fees that may be incurred.

The community also feels the impact of pool closures. Facilities that are closed are often not able to provide the same level of service or programming. This can lead to a decline in membership and participation, as well as a loss of revenue. In addition, closures can also have a negative impact on the community's perception of the facility. If a facility is seen as being poorly managed or unresponsive to customer needs, it can damage its reputation and make it less likely that people will want to use its services.

Pool closures can have a serious impact on both the facility and the community. It is important for facilities to do everything they can to avoid them. By taking steps to prevent closures, such as regular maintenance and repairs, facilities can minimize the financial impact that closures have.

Save Money by Making Data Driven Decisions

Aquatics software provides pool operators with valuable data to help make informed decisions about their pool operations. This data can be used to improve pool safety, reduce costs, and increase pool revenue.

With VivoPoint, you'll have access to powerful reporting features that will give you the insights you need to make data-driven decisions about your pool operations.

Collect and Analyze Key Data Points

Aquatics operation software allows you to collect and analyze key data points about your pool operations.

Some of the data points you can collect and analyze include:

  • chemical usage
  • pH levels
  • temperature
  • pool equipment usage
  • filter replacement schedule

By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions about your pool operations. This will help you reduce costs and improve pool safety.

Track and Improve Performance Across One Property or Your Entire Portfolio

If you manage multiple pools and spa facilities, it's important to be able to track and improve performance across your portfolio. Aquatics operation software can help you do just that.

With VivoPoint, you can track key performance indicators (KPIs) across your portfolio of pools and spas. This data can be used to improve performance and make informed decisions about your pool operations.

Some of the KPIs you can track include:

  • pool safety compliance
  • pool closures
  • chemical usage
  • pool equipment usage

By tracking and improving performance across your portfolio, you can save time and money.

Considerations for Aquatics Operation Software

Now that we've gone over some of the ways that aquatics operation software can help you save money, let's take a look at some of the things you should keep in mind when choosing a solution for your facility.

1. Ease of Use: You'll want to choose a solution that is easy to use so that your employees can quickly learn how to use it and be productive. It’s important to choose a software that doesn’t take long to learn or implement. VivoPoint is an industry leader in aquatics management software, boasting user-friendly features, so you can get up and running immediately. You can always add our industry leading IoT hardware later.

2. Flexibility and Scalability: As your business grows, you'll want a solution that can grow with you. Choose a solution that is flexible and scalable so that you can add new features and functionality as needed. Growing shouldn't cause growing pains. VivoPoint has a solution from every commercial pool or spa owner or manager. Whether you have one apartment complex or a portfolio of resorts all over the globe, VivoAquatics has you covered.

3. Reporting and Documentation: Aquatics operation software should provide you with the ability to generate reports and documentation to help you track progress and compliance. Using data to drive decisions is critical for effective swimming pool compliance and aquatics management. Make sure to choose a software like VivoPoint that gives you access to advanced reporting capabilities so you can better manage your commercial pool or spa and make decisions in real time.

4. Customer Support: When problems arise, you'll want to be able to quickly get in touch with customer support. Choose a solution that offers white glove customer support so that you can get help when you need it. Vivo Aquatics has knowledgeable experts ready to help you and your team whenever you need it. The VivoPoint Ecosystem offers services and training so your team can use our software effectively.

5. Pricing: Be sure to compare pricing among different solutions to find the best value for your money. Be sure to consider not only the cost of the software, but the return on investment. Software like VivoPoint and VivoPoint Pro are both affordable and help you save money.

There are plenty of other things to consider when choosing an aquatics operation software. Make sure to do your research and choose the one that’s best for your facility. Vivopoint Pro is a top-rated software that has helped managers of apartment complexes, fitness centers, swim clubs, hotels, resorts, and municipalities save money while increasing efficiency.

Invest in Aquatics Operations Software to Reduce Costs

Aquatics operations software is a valuable investment for commercial pool and spa facilities. It can help you reduce costs, improve pool safety, and increase pool revenue.

The pool and spa industry is highly competitive. In order to stay ahead of the competition, it's important to find ways to reduce costs while still providing a high level of service. Automating your pool operations with aquatics software is one way to do this. Aquatics software can help you save time and money by automating tasks like pool maintenance, reporting, and compliance. In addition, automating your pool operations will help you stay organized and efficient, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Improve Your Bottom Line with VivoPoint or VivoPoint Pro

Vivo Aquatics is an industry-leading aquatics management software company that's serious about pool safety, profitability, and growth.

Take the Time to Schedule a Demo!

Sign up today for the VivoPoint demo to see how we can help you:

  • Save money
  • Increase pool safety
  • Empower and train your employees
  • Sky-rocket your revenue
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